The Kitchen Classroom

The Kitchen Classroom offers convenient and affordable drop off/pick up service for professional knife sharpening. Keeping knives sharp isn’t solely for precision when preparing food, it prolongs the lifespan of the knife, and reduces the chance of slipping resulting in injury.

Most at home sharpeners treat every knife as if they are the same and just aren’t up for the task of sharpening a wide variety of knives well or without damaging the knife. This can cause the blade to become fragile, decreasing its effectiveness, and increasing a chance of injury.  We have the knowledge and tools to do it right and provide a lasting edge.

The experts at The Kitchen Classroom have the tools and experience using a hand guided, multi stone technique that ensures the perfect blade for the particular knife, whether we’re sharpening everyday knives on our Tormek sharpening wheel, or artisan cutlery on our TS Prof guided hand sharpening system.

Knife and blade sharpening isn’t limited to the tools you use in the kitchen. Though we focus on kitchen cutlery, we can sharpen almost anything with a non-serrated edge.

The average price range for our sharpening service is $6-$12 per knife.

Members of The Richmond Experience get three knives sharpened for the price of two! Just let them know you’re a member when you drop yours off.

servicesSean Kanipe